ZAMBIA | JULY 26 - AUGUST 6 | $3400
Join us as we serve our partner church in Lusaka. Participants, including medical professionals, will lead weekday clinics to meet physical and spiritual needs for local residents. Ministry opportunities also include a feeding program in a local slum, a girl’s home ministry, teacher training, and Bible study with Zambian partners. Both medical professionals and other volunteers are needed.
Cost: $3400
GUATEMALA | February 13 - 17
We’re taking a father/son team to lead a weekend retreat in Guatemala including worship, Bible study, work projects, and ministry outreach over the President’s Day weekend. The team will stay in the rural Pacaya region, connecting with local families, carrying out service projects, and visiting a volcano and the city of Antigua to end the trip.
Cost: $850
COLORADO SPRINGS – College | March 8 - 14
The college ministry will be serving and sharing Christ’s love alongside local churches, meeting various needs in Colorado Springs.
PHOENIX – High School | March 8 - 14
The student ministry’s annual trip includes children’s ministry, projects, and service alongside church partners in the Phoenix, AZ area.
Scholarships are available as needed and can be requested through the online or print application. Learn more about these trips and apply to join a team.
Please contact trevor@firstamarilo.org with any questions.