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Below is a listing of the notes from our Sunday Messages.

For years prior to 2019, please contact the Church Office for assistance.

MARCH 2025

March 2 - "Saviour"

March 9 - "The Lost Beatitude," Matthew 11:2-6; Trevor Brown preaching
March 16 - "Scars," John 20:25​

March 23 - "Third Time's the Charm," John 21​


February 2 - "Walking on Water," Matthew 14:22-33; Brad Holmes preaching, notes not available

February 9 - "Seeing Life with the Right Lenses," Matthew 16:24-27; Trevor Brown preaching, notes not yet available

February 16  - "Two Gifts," John 16:16-33​

February 23  - "He is God," John 20:19-28


January 5 - "Everyone's Baptism Ought to Splash on Someone," John 12:11

January 12 - "What Not to Wear," John 13:1-17, 31b-35​

January 19 - "Mission Statement," John 14:15-27​

January 26 - "Abiding," John 15:1-11​


December 1 - "Faults of My Friends," John 8:1-11

December 8 - "Once Was, But Now...," John 9​

December 15 - "The Lord is with You," Luke 1:26-38; Trevor Brown preaching, notes not yet available

December 22 - "Bookends," Luke 2

December 29 - "Do You Believe This?" John 11


November 3 - "Do You Wish to Get Well?" John 5:1-18

November 10 - "Specific, Significant, Intentional," 1 Corinthians 16:2​

November 17 - "A Meal That Speaks," Luke 22:14-20; Trevor Brown preaching, notes not yet available​

November 24 - "Kingmakers," John 6:52-69


October 6 - "A Painful Paradigm Shift," John 2:13-25

October 13 - "The Meat of the Matter," 1 Corinthians 8:9-13; Brad Holmes preaching, notes not available

October 20 - "Beginning Again," John 3

October 27 - "Well Women," John 4:5-30, 39-42​

"The Canon" - Sunday evenings, October 20 and 27​ - Listen to the Audio Message


September 1 - "Lost and Found," 2 Kings 22

September 8 - "A Rare Condition," 1 Samuel 3:1-10; Trevor Brown preaching, notes not yet available​

September 15 - "Wizard or Wolfe?", John 1:1-5, 10-14

​September 22 - "We Have Found Him," John 1:43-51

September 29 - "Running on Empty," John 2:1-11


August 4 - "Hope," Psalm 130

August 11 - "Covered Dish - Not," 1 Corinthians 11:17-34​

August 18 - "Good and Pleasant," Psalm 133​

August 25 - "Sea Monsters, Creepy Things, and Children," Psalm 148​

JULY 2024

July 7 - "I Cried Unto the Lord," Psalm 120

July 14 - "I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me...," Psalm 122​

​July 21 - "Shouts of Joy," Psalm 126

July 28 - "To-Do List," Micah 6:6-8; Trevor Brown preaching, notes not yet available

JUNE 2024

June 2 - "Choose a Shepherd," Psalm 49

June 9 - "When You Feel Like Running Away," Psalm 55

June 16 - "Quiet in the Midst of Chaos," Psalm 46

June 23 - "Unselfing," Psalm 77

June 30 - "Hoping When Hurting," Lamentations 3:19-24; Brad Holmes preaching,  notes not available​

MAY 2024

May 5 - "He Alone," Psalm 18

May 12 - "God Provides," Psalm 23

May 19 - "A Change of Heart," Psalm 51

May 26 - "Looking Up Toward Heaven," Acts 1:6-12; Trevor Brown preaching, notes not yet available

APRIL 2024

April 7 - "God at Home," Exodus 29:45-46; Trevor Brown preaching

April 14 - "Longing for Home," 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10; Trevor Brown preaching

April 21 - "Home Makers," Revelation 21:1-3; Trevor Brown preaching

April 28 - "Turning Toward God," Psalm 13

MARCH 2024

March 3 - "Waiting and Worrying," Matthew 4:17, 23

March 10 - "Cost of the Kingdom," Matthew 13:44-46

March 17 - "Broken," Matthew 20:29-34; Luke 7:36ff.

March 24 - "Last Words," John 19:26-30

March 31 - "Off Script," John 11:23-27; 18:37-38


February 4 - "Life Ain't Fair," Psalm 73

February 11 - "Set an Example," 1 Timothy 4:12; Brad Holmes preaching, notes not available

February 18 - "For Holiness or Healing?" Mark 2:23-3:6

February 25 - "You Shall Teach Them," Deuteronomy 6


January 7 - "Be There," John 3:16

January 14 - "What Is a Person Like You Doing In a Place Like This?" Judges 16:23-30

January 21 - "The Fool," Psalm 14

January 28 - "Getting Past Shame," John 8:1-11


December 3 - "Hope Restored," Luke 24:13-35

December 10 - "Peace," John 14:1-6, 27

December 17 - "Good News of Great Joy," Luke 2

December 24 - "Barely a Ripple" 

December 31 - "How to Lose the Lord," Luke 2:41-52; Trevor Brown preaching


November 5 - "Listening to Rhoda," Acts 12

November 12 - "All His," Psalm 24:1

November 19 - "Two Roads," Genesis 45

November 26 - "The Best Seat in the House," Mark 9:30-37


October 1 - "The Price of Lemonade," Luke 14:25-33; Trevor Brown preaching

October 8 - "Matchmaker," Genesis 24 

October 15 - "Check His ID," Mark 8:27-32

October 22 - "Depression's Best Medicine," Matthew 22:34-40

October 29 - "Two Types of Trust," Jeremiah 17:5-10; Brad Holmes preaching, notes not available.


September 3 - "Lonely Crowd," Psalm 25:16-22

September 10 - "Called into Community," Psalm 133

September 17 - "Free Fall," Genesis 3

September 24 - "Simon the Sorcerer," Acts 8:4-24


August 6 - "The Day In Between," Mark 15:48

August 13 - "Confession,"  Psalm 51:1-12

August 20 - "Family Heirlooms," 2 Timothy 1:5

August 27 - "What They Did Not Say," Jeremiah 2:6-8

JULY 2023

July 2 - "Say a Prayer for Me," Luke 18:1-8

July 9 - "Journey to the Unknown," Genesis 12:1-20

July 16 - "Gatekeeper," Ephesians 4:25-5:20

July 23 - "Don't Buy a Ticket on the Titanic," 1 John 2:15-17

July 30 - "Commissioned," Jeremiah 1:17-19; Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

JUNE 2023

June 4 - "When the Wonder Fades," Job 38

June 11 - "Hopeful Waiting," Isaiah 40:31

June 18 - "Behold the Lamb," John 1:19-34

June 25 - "Met His Match," Genesis 32:24-32

MAY 2023

May 7 - "The Gospel in a Nutshell," 1 Corinthians 15

May 14 - "Set Aside," 1 Corinthians 16:2

May 21 - "What to Pack," Luke 9:1-17; Dr. Trevor Brown preaching

May 28 - "Who Touched Me?" Mark 5:25-34; Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

APRIL 2023

April 2 - "A Whiff of Triumph," Matthew 21:1-11

April 9 - "But Mary," John 20:1-21

April 16 - "It Never Fails," 1 Corinthians 13

April 23 - "Sharing in God's Family," Acts 2:41-47; Dr. Trevor Brown preaching

April 30 - "Tongues, Then and now," 1 Corinthians 14

MARCH 2023

March 5 - "Knock, Knock," 1 Corinthians 10:1-14

March 12 - "Covered Dish - Not," 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

March 19 - "First Words," 1 Corinthians 12:1-3

March 26 - "A Tender Providence," Exodus 2:1-10; Dr. John Adams and Joshua Adams bringing the message, message notes not available


February 5 - "Critical Corinthians," 1 Corinthians 4:1-5

February 12 - "When Winning is Losing," 1 Corinthians 6:1-8

February 19 - "Staying in the Fishbowl," 1 Corinthians 6:18-20

February 26 - "Maybe," 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; 10:23-33


January 1 - "A Second Chance," 2 Kings 20:11

January 8 - "Trust in the Lord," Proverbs 3:5-6; Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

January 15 - "Fighting and Feuding," 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

January 22 - "Madness to Men," 1 Corinthians 1:18-27

January 29 - "Worse Than Your Class Reunion," 1 Corinthians 3:10-15


December 4 - "He Knows," John 1:1-14

December 11 - "Within You," Luke 2

December 18 - "Saved From Ourselves," Isaiah 7:14

December 25 - "How Can One Baby Save the World?" Matthew 2:18-23


November 6 - "Zillions of Dollars," Matthew 18:21-35

November 13 - "Rejoicing in Giving," 1 Chronicles 29:9

November 20 - "A New Kind," Matthew 1:18-25

November 27 - "When We're Stumped," Isaiah 11:1-10; Trevor Brown preaching, message notes not available


October 2 - "In the Meantime," Habakkuk 3:17-19

October 9 - "Return," Hosea 14:1-9

October 16 - "Into the Unknown," Deuteronomy 31:7-8; Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

October 23 - "On Mission," John 17:13-21

October 30 - "What Counts," Philippians 4:1-9


September 4 - "Feuding Families," Obadiah 1-6

September 11 - "How to Stand," Ephesians6:10-17; Trevor Brown preaching

September 18 - "Always on Time," John 11

September 25 - "When God Speaks," Exodus 1:1-2:3


August 7 - "But We Were hoping," Luke 24:13-35

August 14 - "Worthy Worship," Malachi 1:7-2:9

August 21 - "You Can Teach an Old Dog," 1 Samuel 9-10

August 28 - "When God Grieves," Genesis 6:5-8 

JULY 2022

July 3 - "Better Than," Luke 18:9-14

July 10 - "Hope," Luke 19:28-40

July 17 - "Tried and Crucified," Luke 23:1-26, 32-49

July 24 - "Abram Journeyed On," Genesis 12:1-4; Robby Barrett preaching, message notes not available

July 31 - "You Should Have Known Better," Luke 24:1-9

JUNE 2022

June 5 - "Those Who Make Them," Psalm 115:1-8; Trevor Brown preaching, message notes not available

June 12 - "God or Greed?", Luke 12:13-21

June 19 - "Forgiving Father," Luke 15:1-2, 11-31

June 26 - "The Dead Speak," Luke 16:19-31

May 2022

May 1 - "Life in the Kingdom," Luke 6:17-45

May 8 - "Great to God," Luke 9:46-48

May 15 - "Do This," Luke 10:25-42

May 22 - "Teach Me How To," Luke 11:1-4

May 29 - "Like Christ," Philippians 2:3-11; Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

APRIL 2022

April 3 - "Wilderness Water," John 7:37-29; Trevor Brown preaching

April 10 - "Stones Cry Out," Luke 19:29-46

April 17 - "Open Eyes and Burning Hearts," Luke 24:1-12; 33-49

April 24 - "God Alone," Luke 5:17-26; 7:36-50

MARCH 2022

March 6 - Jim Denison, guest preacher (no notes available; video of morning and

                          evening services available on the church website)

March 13 - "Jubilee," Luke 4:14-30

March 20 - "A Colossal Catch," Luke 5:1-11

March 27 - "Don't Forget," Psalm 103:1-5; Brad Holmes preaching, no message notes available


February 6 - "Unlikely," Luke 2:1-20

February 13   - "After Three Days," Luke 2:39-52

February 20 - "The Water is Fine," Luke 3:1-20

February 27 - "Boulders to Bread," Luke 4:1-13


January 2 - "New Year's Wish," 1 Kings 3:3-9

January 9 - Brad Holmes preaching, no message notes available

January 16  - "The People Are Divided," John 7:40-43

January 23  - "Oh, Boy," Jeremiah 1:4-10, Trevor Brown preaching

January 30  - "Nothing," Luke 1:1-38


December 5

December 12

December 19

December 26


November 7

November 14

November 21 - Trevor Brown preaching, message notes not yet available

November 28


October 3

October 10

October 17

October 24

October 31 - Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available


September 5

September 12 - Trevor Brown preaching

September 19

September 26


August 1

August 8

August 15

August 22

August 29

JULY 2021

July 4

July 11

July 18

July 25 - Trevor Brown preaching

JUNE 2021

June 6

June 13

June 20

June 27

May 2021

May 2

May 9

May 16 - Trevor Brown preaching

May 23

May 30

APRIL 2021

April 4

April 11

April 18

April 25

MARCH 2021

March 7

March 14

March 21

March 28 - Trevor Brown preaching


February 7

February 14 - Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

February 21

February 28


January 3

January 10 - Trevor Brown preaching

January 17

January 24

January 31


December 6

December 13

December 20 - Trevor Brown preaching

December 27


November 1

November 8

November 15

November 22 - Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

November 29


October 4

October 11

October 18

October 25


September 6

September 13 - Trevor Brown preaching

September 20

September 27 - Jeff Raines preaching, message notes not available


August 2

August 9

August 16

August 23 - Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

August 30

JULY 2020

July 5

July 12

July 19

July 26 - Trevor Brown preaching

JUNE 2020

June 7

June 14

June 21

June 28

MAY 2020

May 3 - Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

May 10

May 17

May 24

May 31

APRIL 2020

April 5

April 12

April 19

April 26

MARCH 2020

March 1 - Dr. Joel Gregory preaching, message notes not available

March 8

March 15

March 22

March 29


February 2

February 9

February 16

February 23


January 5

January 12

January 19

January 26


December 1

December 8

December 15

December 22

December 29 - Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available


November 3

November 10

November 17

November 24


October 6 - Trevor Brown preaching

October 13

October 20

October 27


September 1

September 8

September 15

September 22

September 29


August 4

August 11

August 18

August 25

JULY 2019

July 7

July 14

July 21 - Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

July 28

JUNE 2019

June 2

June 9

June 16

June 23 - Trevor Brown preaching, message notes not available

June 30

MAY 2019

May 5 - Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

May 12

May 19

May 26

APRIL 2019

April 7 - Trevor Brown preaching

April 14

April 21

April 28

MARCH 2019

March 3

March 10

March 17

March 24

March 31


February 3 - Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

February 10

February 17

February 24


January 6 - Brad Holmes preaching, message notes not available

January 13

January 20

January 27 - Trevor Brown preaching

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Sunday Morning Worship

8:30 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

Sunday Evening Worship

6:00 p.m.

Television Broadcast

8:30 a.m. (live), KZBZ / 10TOO Channel 6 

10:00 a.m., KFDA Channel 10 or Cable Channels 12, 112

Radio Broadcast

6:00 p.m. (live), MIX-FM 94.1, Amarillo

FBC Main Office
1208 Tyler
Amarillo, Texas 79101

Copyright © First Baptist Church Amarillo
All rights reserved.

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