Giving to the FBC budget supports all of our ministries, from Vacation Bible School to a school for AIDS orphans in Kenya, from Bible Study literature to TV broadcast equipment, from youth camp to job training. Your giving makes a difference here and around the world.
It's no longer about the envelope, now you can give a portion back to the church in 3 ways. Online, Text and Kiosk card swipe in the office. Read more about how we are putting technology to work.
Online Giving
You can choose the amount and area of donation.
Online gifts can be made as one-time gifts, or can be set up as recurring gifts on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Recurring gifts can be edited or terminated at any time.
Text Giving
Text the amount you would like to give to 806-391-7205.
First-time text-giving donors will be prompted to visit a secure URL. Click the registration link and enter your credit or debit card information.
At this point, the gift will process, and you will receive a confirmation text showing the gift and registration were successful.
Future text giving transactions can be made on the original debit or credit card by simply texting the amount of the gift to 806-391-7205.
To change card information, text “reset” to 806-391-7205, and you will be prompted to change the card information for future gifts.
Kiosk Giving
A desktop Kiosk is located in the office of the Financial Secretary. Gifts can be made by following the touch screen prompts, entering an email address, and swiping your Debit or Credit card.
First-time Kiosk givers will be prompted to register, but subsequent giving with the same card can be done by simply entering the gift amount, an email address, and swiping the card.
Kiosk Givers will receive an immediate email confirmation of each gift
Special Missions Offerings
Throughout the year, we have special missions offerings.
Endowment Giving
First Baptist has established two special endowment funds that allow your gifts to work through the church for generations to come. First Baptist will work with you to tailor a giving program that meets your needs. Other gifts may include stock, real estate, or personal property. Please contact Tom Foran tom@firstamarillo.org for more information.